How To Stop a Cat from Going Under the Bed – Clever Solutions

We’re all familiar with this scenario. You receive a package and the delivery person rings the doorbell. Your cats quickly scatter throughout the house as if their lives depend on it. Without a doubt, your cat has darted under the bed. Once there, it becomes nearly impossible to coax them out for the rest of the day. This behavior needs to be addressed! Preventing cats from going under the bed can be challenging, but it’s a problem that can be solved. Here’s how to put a stop to your cat’s under-the-bed escapades.

The most effective method to prevent your cat from going under the bed is to block their way. You can use an underbed blocker, scat mat, books, or boxes to achieve this. Additionally, reducing anxiety and avoiding scary situations can make your cat feel secure and discourage them from going under the bed.

Regrettably, there is no simple solution for a cat that enjoys hiding under the bed. It’s not as if you can have a conversation with your cat and explain why they shouldn’t go under the bed. And once they’re under there, it can be incredibly difficult to coax them out, especially if they’re in the middle of a large bed and can’t reach the edge! Let’s discuss some tips on how to prevent a cat from going under the bed, as well as potential risks that may arise if a cat does go under the bed.

How Do I Stop My Cat from Going Under My Bed

A clever solution to prevent your cat from going under the bed is to divert their attention.

If your cat gets scared, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to catch them without risking scratches from their nails. Once they’re under the bed, it’s extremely difficult to coax them out unless they’re willing to come out on their own.

I have some clever solutions to prevent your cat from going under the bed:

  • Create a cozy spot in your home where your cat can also feel secure.
  • Create additional storage space beneath your bed to limit the available area for your cat.
  • Get rid of anything in your house that might make your cat anxious, especially if you know it scares them.
  • Purchase a bed frame that doesn’t have any gaps underneath it.
  • Purchase a specialized item that is made to prevent cats from going under the bed.
How To Keep A Cat Off The Bed – Proven Strategies!

Why Does My Cat Hide Under the Bed

Your cat might be going under the bed because it got scared by something that happened.

Of course, there are times when your cat is simply curious and goes under your bed, but if you see that your cat is missing for several hours, it’s likely because something has frightened them.

Your cat sees the space under your bed as a safe haven. It’s a dark spot where they can hide and feel secure. Sometimes, it’s so dark that you can’t even see if they’re there. Being hidden gives your cat a sense of safety and allows them to regain their confidence.

Most of the time, the fear that made your cat go under the bed won’t last long, but remember that your cat went there because he believes it’s the safest spot for him.

Should I Let My Cat Hide Under the Bed

It’s not a good idea to allow your cat to go under your bed.

If your cat quickly runs out of the living room occasionally when the doorbell rings and goes under the bed, it’s likely not a major issue. However, if you observe that your cat frequently stays under the bed for extended periods of time, you may want to take steps to discourage this behavior. After all, you don’t want your cat to become excessively shy.

Even if there isn’t a lot of stuff under your bed, there are still a few things that could be dangerous for your cat:

  • The legs of a metal bed can cause scratches and cuts on your cat’s skin
  • Your cat might scratch or tear the mattress or box spring, depending on the type of bed you own
  • If your bed is not raised high above the floor, your cat might be able to fit underneath it and have difficulty getting out.
    If your cat does manage to come out, they might be all dusty or, even worse, have spiders on them.

How Long Will A New Cat Hide Under the Bed

The amount of time a new cat will spend hiding under the bed depends on the cat’s personality and temperament, but typically, it can range from a few days to two or three weeks.

So you’ve got yourself a new, gorgeous cat and brought him home. And he’s already disappeared. After looking all over your house, you see shining yellow eyes peeking out from under your bed, just beyond your grasp. How much time will he spend hiding there?

When you bring a new cat home, it’s common for them to hide under the bed for a day or two and explore the house when nobody is around. After they feel more at ease, they will start to become a part of the family. However, some cats, particularly those who have spent a long time in a shelter, may stay under the bed for a week or two if they are more timid.

Don’t lose hope even if your cat keeps hiding for a long time! Just think about how you would feel if you were suddenly in a new place with unfamiliar people!

Where Can I Let My Cat Hide Instead

If you believe your cat needs a place to hide, there are other spots in your house where your cat can go.

    If your cat likes to hide sometimes, leave a closet door open that you know is safe. They can go in there without any worries.

  • Buy a cat shelter where your cat can hide.
  • Cover a cage with a blanket to make your cat feel secure.
  • If you don’t want your cat to get too scared and hide, consider using medication to help calm their anxiety. Have a conversation with your vet about this.

Your cat doesn’t have to stick to the bed. You can think outside the box and find new places for them to hide. Cats prefer spots that are familiar to them, so make sure to include items with their scent (and yours too). Putting treats in the same area can help them feel calm and comfortable in that spot.

What If My Cat Won’t Come Out From Under the Bed

If your cat manages to go under the bed, it may seem really hard to get them out, but there are various things you can do to encourage your cat to come out.

Typically, your cat will likely go to a spot under the bed that is inaccessible from any direction. If you’re struggling to stop your cat from going under the bed, here are a few ways to get them out if they’re already there:

  • Grab a broom or something long-handled. Instead of hitting your cat, just wave it around near them. This might encourage them to come out from under the bed.
  • Open up a can of yummy cat food or give their favorite bag of treats a good shake. This might help calm their tummy and make them less scared.
  • If you shake a cat toy that they enjoy, they might come over to play.

If your cat is really scared of something, it might be more effective to let them come out by themselves instead of wasting your own time.

Nobody wants their cat – whether it’s a new addition or a long-time member of the family – to constantly hide under the bed. It’s important to make your cat feel like a valued part of the household, and hiding away is not a healthy way for them to live. Even if your cat appears to enjoy being under the bed, it’s likely because they feel scared or anxious. Take your time and be patient with your cat, and eventually they will become more comfortable and confident in their surroundings, taking charge of the house (which might make you miss the days when they used to hide under the bed)!

You can also check this YouTube video about this topic:

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